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IRG-1 IRG-2 Seeds

IRG-1: Ionic Control of Materials

Our goal is to understand the mechanisms, capabilities, and applications of electrostatic and electrochemical gating. Our vision is to transform the understanding of electrolyte-based electrostatic and electrochemical gating, realizing electrical control over an extraordinary range of electronic phases and function.

The IRG-1 senior investigators and their primary areas of expertise are:

Vivian Ferry (CEMS) Leader: Nanophotonics and metamaterials, nanofabrication, electromagnetic simulation/modeling
Turan Birol (CEMS): Density functional theory (DFT), dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)
Rafael Fernandes (PHYS): Microscopic and phenomenological modeling
C. Daniel Frisbie (CEMS): Organic electronics, ionic liquids and gels
Martin Greven (PHYS): X-ray and neutron scattering, nonlinear magnetic response, superconductivity
Bharat Jalan (CEMS): Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), oxide semiconductors
Chris Leighton (CEMS): Synthesis, electronic and magnetic properties, scattering, electrolyte gating
Andre Mkhoyan (CEMS): Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS)
Xiaojia Wang (ME): Thermal transport, ultrafast pump-probe techniques, time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR)

IRG-1 collaborator(s) and their primary areas of expertise are:

Mahesh Mahanthappa (CEMS): Amphiphile/polymer synthesis, thermodynamics, scattering

IRG-1 researchers:

Rohan Chakraborty: Graduate Student — Ferry/Leighton
Kyung Gook Cho: Postdoctoral Researcher — Frisbie
Sooho Choo: Graduate Student — Jalan/Mkhoyan
Rashmi Choudhary: Graduate Student — Jalan/Mkhoyan
Ezra Day-Roberts: Postdoctoral Researcher — Birol/Fernandes
Teslim Fasasi: Postdoctoral Researcher — Ferry
Supriya Ghosh: Graduate Student — Mkhoyan/Jalan
Silu Guo: Graduate Student — Mkhoyan/Birol
Issam Khayr: Graduate Student — Greven/Fernandes
Donghwan Kim: Graduate Student — Jalan/Mkhoyan
Jierui Liang: Postdoctoral Researcher — Leighton/Frisbie
Sreejith Nair: Graduate Student — Jalan/Birol
Rishi Raj: Graduate Student — Mkhoyan/Jalan
Jay Shah: Graduate Student — Mkhoyan/Birol
Chiou Yang Tan: Graduate Student — Greven/Leighton
Jiazhen Xu: Graduate Student — Frisbie/Leighton
Xiaotian Xu: Graduate Student — Wang/Jalan
Zhifei Yang: Graduate Student — Jalan/Mkhoyan
Sang (Gil) Youm: Postdoctoral Researcher — Frisbie/Mahanthappa
Chi Zhang: Graduate Student — Wang/Leighton

IRG-2: Mesoscale Network Materials

The focus of IRG-2, Mesoscale Network Materials, is to discover and exploit scale-invariant shape-filling amphiphile (SFA) motifs to robustly assemble functional nets and to understand how processing impacts their properties

The IRG-2 senior investigators and their primary areas of expertise are:

Mahesh Mahanthappa (CEMS) Leader: Amphiphile/polymer synthesis, thermodynamics, scattering
Michelle Calabrese (CEMS) Co-Leader: Rheology/mechanics, in situ scattering, dynamics
Frank Bates (CEMS): Polymer synthesis, thermodynamics, mechanics
Kevin Dorfman (CEMS): Mesoscale simulations, theory
Christopher Ellison (CEMS): Thin film self-assembly, polymer processing
Vivian Ferry (CEMS): Nanophotonics and metamaterials, nanofabrication, electromagnetic simulation/modeling
Timothy Lodge (CEMS/CHEM): Polymer characterization, scattering, dynamics
Karen Lozano (UTRGV Mech. Eng.): Processing internally structured nanofibers from network-forming soft materials
Theresa Reineke (CHEM): Amphiphile/polymer synthesis, self-assembly
Ilja Siepmann (CHEM): Molecular simulations, model development

IRG-2 researchers:

Giselle Campos: Graduate Student — Mahanthappa/Lodge
Pengyu Chen: Graduate Student — Dorfman/Mahanthappa
Shuquan Cui: Postdoctoral Researcher — Lodge/Bates
Arit Das: Postdoctoral Researcher — Calabrese/Ellison/Bates
Soumi Das: Postdoctoral Researcher — Reineke/Calabrese
Alicia Huggett: Graduate Student — Reineke/Lodge
MD Noushad Javed: Postdoctoral Researcher — Lozano
Daoyuan Li: Graduate Student — Siepmann/Lodge
Benjamin Magruder: Graduate Student — Dorfman/Ellison
Emily McGuinness: Postdoctoral Researcher — Ferry/Ellison
Camila Perales-Rodriguez: Graduate Student — Lodge/Mahanthappa
Subrata Santra: Postdoctoral Researcher — Lodge/Bates
Caini Zheng: Graduate Student — Siepmann/Lodge

Seed Projects: Foster Innovation and Promote MRSEC Growth

The Center operates an ambitious Seed program designed to foster innovation and promote Center growth and evolution.

Awards are made to individual faculty members or small clusters in support of high risk projects or research in emerging areas.

Current Seed researchers:

Yicheng (Betty) Liu: Graduate Student — Holmes
Yujie Luo: Graduate Student — Ilic
Arghya Sarkar: Graduate Student — Frontiera
Simon Willis: Graduate Student — Flannigan

National Science Foundation

Funded by the National Science Foundation through the University of Minnesota MRSEC under Award Number DMR-2011401

Contact Information


435 Amundson Hall, 421 Washington Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN, 55455

P: 612-626-0713 | F: 612-626-7805

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