On January 18, 2017, the University of Minnesota MRSEC hosted its inagugural Seed Symposium. The MRSEC Seed program is designed to foster innovation and promote Center growth and evolution. An exciting line-up of speakers from five University of Minnesota departments, all of whom hold Seed awards, provided a half-day symposium and an opportunity to increase awareness of each other's work. MRSEC faculty, students, and postdocs came together to listen, question, and understand Seed research, and to offer multidisciplinary approaches to Seed researchers. The Symposium strengthened possibilities for future IRG/Seed collaborations.
Speakers at the 2017 MRSEC Seed Symposium — (from left to right): Vlad Pribiag (Physics), Xiang Cheng (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science), Sarah Swisher (Electrical and Computer Science), Tim Lodge (MRSEC Director), Laura Gagliardi (Chemistry), Michael McAlpine (Mechanical Engineering), and Xiojia Wang (Mechanical Engineering)
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