On October 23 – 27, 2016, the University of Minnesota MRSEC provided travel support for a team of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) undergraduate students to attend the the Materials Science & Technology 2016 meeting (MS&T16) in Salt Lake City, Utah. "MS&T brings together scientists, engineers, students, suppliers and more to discuss current research and technical applications, and to shape the future of materials science and technology” (MS&T).
The team of students from the University of Minnesota won 3rd place in the Ceramic Mug Drop competition. In the Ceramic Mug Drop competition, the team competed to create ceramic mugs that could be dropped from the greatest distance without breaking. The members of the U of M team, with their ceramic mugs, are pictured here: (from left to right): Laura Murry, Karsten Poulsen, Jon Damen, Shelby Smith, and Benjamin Siers (not pictured).
View more photos from MS&T16 from the MS&T16 flickr page and read more from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science.
UMN Team, 3rd place in Ceramic Mug Drop — (from left to right): Laura Murry, Karsten Poulsen, Jon Damen, Shelby Smith, and Benjamin Siers (not pictured)
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