Posters can be displayed vertically or horizontally, but should not exceed 46" in either dimension. 44" is recommended to fit on the poster board without hanging off the edge.
All posters should have a title banner including:
Fabric Poster
Poster can be printed on Fabric from Spoonflower. Fabric printed posters
will be much easier to travel with after the program as they can be folded in a suitcase. Printing cost with rush 2 day shipping is $43. Be sure to submit your
poster in time for it to be printed, shipped, and delivered no later than Wednesday, August 10.
Paper Poster
The Computer Lab in B60 Coffman* has large scale printers (HP Designjet 5000, 5500) available ($4.50 per sqft). It is highly recommendated that you print your poster at least a day in advance to avoid long lines and possible equipment issues.
*note: printing anywhere other than Coffman B60 (e.g. printing services, kinkos) will nearly double the cost of your poster
Click here for Coffman Printing Details
Set-up should be completed at least 5 minutes before the start of your session. All presenters must check in at the registration desk to receive assigned poster number. Poster number will be displayed on the tack board at the event. Affix your poster to the tack board by your assigned number. Tacks will be provided.
435 Amundson Hall, 421 Washington Ave. SE, Minneapolis, MN, 55455
P: 612-626-0713 | F: 612-626-7805